Typically called The Performance Project – the fourth semester of the Movement curriculum is a capstone experience for the conservatory student. The entire semester is designed to lead you through an organic process of sourcing, envisioning, creation, development and performance of original physical choreography.
The challenge to use the physical instrument as the performance is one that demands that you fully confront habits, fears, and restrictions. It also demands that you fully engage the imagination, sense of meaning, and artistic vision.
The opportunity for you to share your original physical performance with an invited audience at the end of the course keeps you very focused on developing your original content and harnesses the enthusiasm and energy of the ensemble.
Yet, the nature of the movement training and the instructors is to be always supporting you with permission and the courage to take enormous risks; thereby you don’t operate under the pressure of performance but rather under your own sense of initiation and inspiration.
Movement IV gives you a unique chance to collaborate with a group in a very personal way. The challenges that arise and the lessons/practices learned are invaluable in order to innovate as a professional theater artist. More importantly the journey through the semester continually pushes you to work with your instrument in the most intimate way – solidifying the training of the entire two year experience.
Teachers: Nathan Flower, Mackian Bauman
Prerequisites: Movement I , Movement II, Movement III