
Career Essentials

How To Be A Successful Working Actor

In today’s entertainment industry, the modern actor is challenged with maintaining their artistic identity while simultaneously running their own business—marketing themselves as both an artist, and a savvy craftsperson capable of consistently delivering on promised work.

More than making a name for oneself, actors these days are called upon to create a brand for themselves and to balance the vulnerability of creativity with the practical need for logistics, strategy, and fairly paid work.

That’s why we’ve created our Career Essentials: How to be a Successful Working Actor program, where TK Studio can help you step firmly into this duality of roles. We will prepare you to draw upon your life experience and creative energy, and advocate for yourself as a human being and a talented, contributing member of the industry.

The Career Essentials program has been carefully designed to lay a foundation for the rigors of a career as a professional entrepreneur, as well as to continue to nurture and refine the artist’s strengths.

The Curriculum

This summer, Career Essentials is offered as a four-day intensive workshop taught by the incredible faculty of Drama, Inc. This four-day Intensive focuses on acting for the camera and the industry of acting.

You will learn the skill of adjusting for the camera and experience how the camera comes to you and watches you think. You will understand framing and appropriate on-set behavior. Participants will be assigned on-camera scenes to tape in advance of the workshop.

While learning more about the industry of acting, you will become the CEO of your own business. Do you need an agent or manager to get started? Or can you just self-submit on actorsaccess? 

We will cover auditioning skills, self-taping and turning around work fast, how to know what headshot works for you, websites, and reels and the differences between the markets of NYC, LA and Atlanta.

Most important of all, we will help you identify your niche and own your “sweet spot” in the industry. What makes you unique? What kinds of material light you up? What are you not? What’s your elevator pitch, who are you?

The workshop includes Q and A with industry guests from LA, NYC and Atlanta and concludes with a one-on-one session with the faculty where you will develop your individualized plan for success.

The Career Essentials Program 

Program Dates, Times, and Fee

in partnership with Drama Inc.
For recent TKS grads and alumni 

8/2-8/4 10am-5pm 

Plus 30 minute 1-on-1 zoom meetings the following week

$900 for 2024 grads (admin fee waived)


What You Will Leave With

  • A deep understanding of the business
  • A strong sense of your brand identity
  • How to comfortably connect with industry professionals
  • Next steps and resources to dive into the industry with confidence and self-awareness
  • Connection to a community of like-minded professionals who are committed to excellence.

*be sure to mark “Career Essentials” as one of your courses of interest.

Our Faculty 

Drama, Inc. was founded in 2013 in Atlanta, Georgia, by four working actors: Catherine Dyer, Claire Bronson, Scott Poythress and Jason MacDonald. It quickly became the premiere actor training studio in the southeast.  The Drama, Inc. team has taught in LA (The Actors Group, Sam Christensen Studio) and Florida, (Acting Alliance) as well as teaching virtual classes for students all over the world.

Drama, Inc believes that working on craft and technique is an essential and ongoing process. Their principle goal is to create a safe and supportive, yet challenging space to guide actors by providing “real world” information on navigating the business side of this ever-changing acting industry. Over the past nine years, Drama, Inc. has provided training to over 4,000 actors and have seen many of those students blossom into consistently working actors as series regulars and guest stars on tv, and as lead roles in films.

Looking for more guidance on your acting training and career?

Maybe you’re not sure where to start, have questions about a specific program or class, or are seeking guidance on the benefits of an acting school vs. university training. We’re here to help. Please use the form below to get in touch with our studio for answers to your questions.