Frequently Asked Questions
When you join Terry Knickerbocker Studio, we ask for your commitment—of your effort, open mind, money, time, and energy. As such, we understand you may have questions. We’ve developed a list of Frequently Asked Questions with thoughtful answers to help guide you in your consideration of TKS. If you reach the end of this page and find you still have questions, please feel free to reach out to us.

General Questions

What is TK Studio?

We are a New York City-based Meisner acting studio with world-class faculty, storied alumni, and an ever-expanding tight-knit community of artists. We have students from across the country, from all backgrounds, and at all experience levels. Our classes are a shared journey of self-exploration — you are not in this endeavor alone. We joyously laugh, cry, shout, work, and play together.

Where is the TK Studio located?

The TK Studio is located at 68 34th Street in Industry City in the Sunset Park neighborhood of Brooklyn. The Studio is located only three blocks from the 36th Street station on the N, R and D lines, one express stop from Atlantic Avenue. The B35 and the B37 bus lines have stops nearby. Street parking and a pay parking lot are easily accessible.

Is TK Studio the right studio for me?

This is such an important question. You are unique—only you can answer the question of whether our studio feels like an artistic home for you, and thus the right place for you to train. While we do pride ourselves on attempting to understand and know each of our students with deep respect for their individuality, we know that we will not be a fit for everyone—and indeed, any school that represents itself as such is at risk of being disingenuous. That said, our keen interest in seeing and understanding you (and your willingness to be seen) give this training a strong chance of being “right” for a lot of actors. We want to understand what you’re looking for in terms of training, and then we’ll be honest about whether we believe we can serve your needs. If we can’t, we’ll guide you as best we can towards a better fit for you and your unique interests.

To help you reach your decision, we invite you to spend time reading and digesting our Philosophy page, our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion page, our Testimonials page, and the rest of this FAQs page. These pages should give you a clearer understanding of the values and strengths of our studio, and empower you to make a decision about your artistic path. If you wish to connect with us further, please follow us on social media, read our TKS Acting Blog, and get in touch with us directly.

There are a lot of Meisner Studios – what makes TK Studio different?

Meisner training is very popular these days. Very few teachers are masters at teaching it. Terry spent over 30 years training and teaching with William Esper, one of the most respected protegés of Sanford Meisner at the renowned Neighborhood Playhouse. Terry is one of only a very few active teachers who can claim to be part of a direct lineage of Sanford Meisner and his brilliant approach to actor training.

TK Studio is devoted to building a community of committed artists. We are selective about our admissions process. Many Studios follow the mantra, “If you have a heartbeat and a credit card, you can study here” – TK Studio does not. We would rather have one class of dedicated artists than five classes filled with non-committed students.

We don’t only offer Meisner training—much like a BFA or MFA conservatory, we want to train comprehensive actor/artists—so our students add Supplemental classes like Movement and Voice to their Meisner class, and Special Topic classes like Clown, Alexander Technique, and Chekhov Technique, among many others. We believe in training your whole instrument. Again like university programs, “community” is one of our strongest values. The Studio offers numerous events and programs outside of classes, including discount theater tickets, social events, talks with notable actors, and a Mentorship Program which pairs 1st and 2nd Year students.

Why should I learn the Meisner technique?

All acting techniques share the same goal: to train actors to do good work. We teach the Meisner technique because we know how effective it is for most actors. The benefits of the Meisner technique are varied, but most importantly, training at this level, and with this faculty, means that you will be prepared to tell the most important stories of our time at the highest level of excellence with a finely trained instrument: heart, mind, body, and voice. Please visit our Meisner Technique page for more information.

How can I get more information?

You can contact our studio by phone at +1-718-801-8999, via email at info@terryknickerbockerstudio.com, by completing this form, or by clicking the chat widget at the bottom right of this page. We’re here to help however we can, and welcome any and all questions—just reach out.

Programs & Classes

How do I know which program is right for me?

Great question—we would love to have a conversation with you in order to gain a better understanding of what you hope to gain from training, and so that we can better advise you in order to find the ideal program that works best for you. We recommend you visit our Programs and Classes page to get a high-level overview of everything we offer. From there, if you are looking to take a single class at the moment, please visit our Special Topics page for a comprehensive list of the topics we offer a la carte. If your interests lie more in an ongoing program with foundational and varied training, our Conservatory or Intensives programs may be a better fit.

Do you offer acting classes for beginners?

We do—in fact, most of our classes can be taken without any prior experience. Our Conservatory and Intensive programs each offer foundational training which can be equally suitable for someone just starting out and for the seasoned actor, as can most of our Special Topics classes (unless prerequisites are otherwise noted). At our studio, how much or how little experience a student has is much less important than the student’s sincere desire for and commitment to becoming the best actor they can be.

I have studied the Meisner technique before. Do I still need to take the first year class?

Even students who have taken our Meisner Intensives start the Conservatory Program from the beginning. The Meisner work is like a gym for the athlete or scales for the musician–you can keep working the muscles and practicing the scales forever. We believe all of our students no matter background or experience should begin the Conservatory Program from the beginning of the first year.

Do you offer virtual classes?

Most of our offerings are in-person, because we believe that face-to-face instruction allows us to develop a more nuanced understanding of our student’s strengths, current challenges, and progress. It also allows both teacher and student to be fully present, and for students to connect with their peers. That said, we occasionally offer virtual [Special Topics classes. Please refer to the Programs and Classes page for more information.

Do you offer Scene Study classes?

TK Studio offers an Advanced Scene Study class taught by Nathan Flower for students who have already completed foundational training. On occasion, Terry teaches a Scene Study Master Class at the Studio, online, and outside of New York City. He has taught at studios in Los Angeles, Atlanta, and Berlin. Please contact Christopher Booth to inquire further.

Do I receive a degree upon completion of any of the programs?

Like most private acting studios, TK Studio is not an accredited degree-granting program. However, we do offer students graduates a Certificate of Completion upon the successful completion of the Conservatory Program.


How do I apply to TK Studio?

To be considered for admission to any courses or workshops at Terry Knickerbocker Studio, you must submit an official application through the website. There is no application fee to apply to TKS, only the following elements:

  • Your contact information
    A forward-facing photo (don’t worry if you don’t have a headshot, we’re happy to accept other kinds of photos)
  • Your resume
  • Your answers to a few questions that tell us who you are (including your relationship to values around Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), what you’re looking for, and how you think our classes might help you.
What is the admissions process like?

Once you have completed and submitted the official application on our website, we’ll review your materials thoroughly and contact you to set up an interview with Christopher Booth, our Director of Admissions and Enrollment.

For applicants to our Five Semester Conservatory Programs, if it seems like TKS is a good fit for you based on the conversation with our Admissions staff, the next step is a conversation with your prospective primary acting teacher. After that conversation, we will let you know if you are being invited to join the program.

Our intention with these interviews is to meet you, talk about your goals, establish a dialogue, and figure out together if TK Studio is the right fit for you.

Once acceptance has been granted, the student will have up to one week to make a deposit and accept the offer of a space in the class or program. After one week, that spot in class will be open to other applicants and the student runs the risk of losing their spot.

Is there an audition?

No, we don’t include an audition as part of our admissions process. Instead, we ask that you complete a brief application and submit it for our review. Once your application has been received, the Director of Admissions and Enrollment, Chris Booth, will contact you with enrollment details or to arrange an interview.

Does TK Studio offer financial aid or scholarships?

We want our classes and programs to be accessible to artists from all walks of life, and we have dedicated a lot of time, research, and thought into the price of tuition for our offerings. For the resilient and resourceful actor, looking for the highest quality professional training, specifically in the Meisner technique, we believe our programming will save you time and money in your journey to develop a successful acting career.

We do provide a limited number of Work Study opportunities to subsidize the cost of tuition for students who qualify. Work Study students are selected based on proven financial need, and positions are granted to students who demonstrate both a positive role in our creative community and a consistent commitment to their studies at TK Studio.

TK Studio is also proud to offer The Excellence Scholarship, which provides awards between $500 and $2,000 toward tuition for artists of color in the Conservatory Program.

Does TK Studio provide visas for international students?

Yes! We offer M-1 visas for students in our Summer Intensive and our Two Year Program. All other classes and programs can be completed on a tourist visa. You can find more information on our International Programs page here, or you can begin the process by applying here.

Prospective Students

Do you provide on-site tours?

We are always happy to have visitors! We have a beautiful studio that we’re very proud of and that we love to share with potential students. You can really get a feel for our school and the environment we cultivate at TKS when you join us in person, so we strongly encourage visiting, if at all possible. Please contact us here and we’ll be happy to arrange a tour.

Can I sit in on a class?

Due to the deeply personal nature and sensitivity of our work, we do not allow auditors for any of our Conservatory classes in order to preserve our students’ sense of privacy. We do, however, occasionally offer audits of our Advanced Scene Study Class, so be sure to sign up for our Newsletter so you don’t miss any audit announcements.

Can I study for just one year - or less? I’m not sure I can commit to two and a half years.

We are an alternative to other 3-4 year conservatory training BFA and MFA programs. It takes, at least, two years to learn the craft of acting, and another 10-20 years to master the craft. Consider our studio training as an investment in your talent for the rest of your life as an actor. The time goes by very quickly.

Can I speak to a graduate of TK Studio before applying or accepting a spot at the studio?

Of course—we are happy to connect prospective students with both current students and alumni to facilitate a better understanding of the processes, philosophies, and standards we maintain in our studio. If you would like to speak to a current or former student, please contact us.

COVID-19 Safety FAQ

Do I need to be vaccinated to attend in-person classes?


TK Studio requires all members of the community to be fully vaccinated in order to attend class. “Fully vaccinated” includes booster shots for those who are eligible.

Students and faculty must provide a photo or scanned copy of the front of the vaccine card via email to the Director of Operations, Ashley Hughes (ashley@terryknickerbockerstudio.com) prior to the first day of class. Anyone who does not submit proof of vaccination via email will be unable to attend class until having done so.

Students and faculty may apply for a medical or religious waiver. Exemption requests may take up to 7 business days to review so please submit your request with adequate time before the beginning of your class. You may not attend class while an exemption request is under review and the Studio is not responsible for any missed classes due to the timing of an exemption request. Additional documentation and/or an interview may be required. Please note that submitting a request does not guarantee that a waiver will be granted.

For questions regarding exemptions, please contact Ashley Hughes at the email address above.

What precautions are you taking within the Studio itself?
All studios, common areas, movement rooms, furniture, equipment and facilities are cleaned and disinfected regularly. HEPA filters have been added to every space, and when possible (considering temperature and noise), windows are open for increased ventilation. Hand sanitizer is available throughout the studio.
What happens if I come in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19?
If you are fully vaccinated, you do not need to quarantine after exposure. However, we ask that you continue to monitor yourself for COVID-19 symptoms for a full ten days after exposure and get tested 4-5 days after the exposure. Rapid tests (at-home tests) are acceptable.

Regardless of your vaccination status, if you experience any COVID-19 like symptoms at any time, please stay home until you are able to complete a test. (Rapid and at-home test kits are acceptable.) If you continue to have symptoms, but your rapid test is negative, it is strongly recommended that you obtain a PCR test.

If you have a negative rapid test, and you are waiting for PCR results, you may attend class if you are free of both fever and respiratory symptoms, but please be extra diligent with masking. Be advised that the Studio reserves the right to ask you to return home if it is deemed that your presentation of symptoms, ie., excessive sneezing or congestion, are not acceptable.

What happens if I test positive for COVID-19?
Students, faculty or staff members who test positive for COVID-19 are required to immediately report it to our Director of Operations, Ashley Hughes at ashley@terryknickerbockerstudio.com.

Individuals who test positive are required to isolate for 5 days, regardless of whether or not they are asymptomatic. If after 5 days, symptoms have not resolved, the individual should continue to isolate until symptoms are resolved including the absence of fever for a full 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.

Will I be able to participate in a remote-learning option while I am isolating?
At this time, TK Studio does not offer an option for students who are at home to participate remotely in on-site classes. We have found that this set up is challenging for teachers and does not represent the best quality of work for either students in the classroom or at home. Any questions or concerns about this must be addressed directly to the administration. We ask that students refrain from requesting this option directly from a teacher, but rather direct all such requests to Ashley Hughes (ashley@terryknickerbockerstudio.com)
What happens if there are multiple cases in the Studio?
TK Studio retains the sole discretion to assess each incident, or incidents, of exposure at the TK Studio Space and may adopt additional appropriate mitigation measures, including the closure of the Studio Space for a period of time for deep cleaning/disinfection, in which case classes may be conducted online.
Information about our protocols and our commitment to health and safety
The health and safety protocols that allow the TK Studio community to continue to participate in in-person learning may be updated from time-to-time with new governmental and regulatory guidelines, including NYForward. Faculty, staff and students are responsible for knowing and following the protocols that the Studio communicates.

Additionally, we ask that the members of the community remain accountable to each other and maintain the highest level of adherence to health and safety protocols. The Studio understands that it is not in a position to monitor or enforce outside activities, but it does ask that students make choices within the framework of allowing in-person learning at the Studio to continue.

In the shared interest of health and well-being, we ask that community members report positive cases as quickly as possible and cooperate fully with the contact tracing efforts. When a positive case affects even a single member of our community, whether faculty, staff or student, it may very well affect many. Being as transparent and forthcoming as possible is the best way to care for one another.

Questions about the health and safety plan may be addressed to the Director of Operations, Ashley Hughes, ashley@terryknickerbockerstudio.com