Sophia C.


“That’s how you grow: with someone like Sinead being your guide….”

I love Sinead. She’s so calming, she’s so warm, but not in a performative way. She just is warmth and is this calm and centered energy that is so necessary because the things that come up in the Emotional Education Group are so personal and so vulnerable. But she’s there with you every step of the way, and there to work through it with you, no matter what.

She is so intelligent and can see right through all of your guards and your walls. And she’ll call out those walls and you’ll be like, “I hate that! I hate that you can see that!” But that’s why you want her in the room because you need someone of her expertise and of her naturally warm, inviting, open demeanor to point that out.

And that’s how you grow: with someone like Sinead being your guide. She lets everything go the way it goes and she’s cool with whatever way it goes, but she’s always gonna call you out. And she’s always going to help you voice things and name things and honor things, no matter how disturbing they are to you.

– Sophia C.
Emotional Education Group Member