
Terry Knickerbocker Talks about art and success with Industry City’s Kendall Tichner.

Transformative Work + Success With Terry

Our motto is that we’re training the passionate actor committed to excellence. So we really want to work hard. But we play hard throughout that. We have movement training here. Voice training. It’s all about you and your imagination. And being creative. When people grab the work and run with it, that’s exciting. We change peoples lives. The work is really transforming.

What is success? I think it’s growth. I mean I’m still growing, I’m still figuring stuff out. I’m a better teacher this week than I was last week hopefully. Openness, willingness to take chances, and taking steps forward. Even though some might seem be backwards. That the general progression is forward. You gotta be generous to be and actor. You gotta make your stuff and say, “Here I give it to you, and I want your stuff and you give it to me.” The reason I’m a teacher, I think, is that I really enjoy helping people fulfill their dreams. And to give them the tools and then to watch them fly. That’s thrilling!