Victoria M.


“Everyone from staff to students is there for the shared love and passion for acting….”

TK Studios is a bit off the grid in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, which for me allows more focus on the work and the craft than being in a studio in the busy city full of other acting studios that feel like desperation and competition. At TK Studios, you can relax. You work with your peers and you’re invested in their success because it is made clear everyone’s journey is their own. There isn’t any competition rather we learn from each other and are inspired by each other.

The quality of students at TK Studios is also top notch. You will not run into lazy actors or someone not as enthused about the work as you are. Everyone from staff to students is there for the shared love and passion for acting. I would recommend TK Studios if you are passionate about acting, if you want to build your craft, try something new, or just keep your work fresh and honest.

– Victoria M.