AAPI Town Hall and Resources
Offered with resilience by TKFaculty Members Kana Sato, Pandora Scooter, and TKActors Avi Solis, Kim Savarino, and Grace Su
Below you’ll find the starting list of resources we’ve compiled as part of possible actions we all can do to help stop AAPI hate and hate crimes. If you know of more, please share and we will add them as we move forward together. Please do what you can. If we all do our part, we have a chance to make things better and put an end to the legacy of injustice and oppression that has gone unchallenged for far too long.
STOP AAPI HATE reported 3,795 hate crimes against Asian Americans nationwide. In 2020 alone, NYC experienced the largest increase across the country at 833%.
- Free workshop: bystander intervention to stop anti-Asian/American harassment and xenophobia hosted by Hollaback! And Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAJC)
- SPLC: Ten Ways to Fight Hate: A Community Response Guide
- Stop AAPI Hate Reporting Center — report anti-Asian hate crimes here
- New York Coalition for Asian American Mental Health
- AAPIP Resource Directory to combat increased anti-Asian violence in the wake of COVID-19
- Women Warriors: A Solidarity Reading presented by Asian American Writers’ Workshop
- Free cab rides for AAPI community members:
- @CafeMaddyCab (NY)
- @SanDiegoCabbie (San Diego)
Places to donate
- 68 ways to donate in support of Asian communities
- Stop Asian Hate: What You Can Do To Make a Difference: GoFundMe page with verified community fundraisers for those affected by anti-Asian violence. Make sure the GoFundMe you are donating to is the authorized/official fundraiser for the family/incident as there have been several cases of scammers taking advantage recently.
- Resources to support Asian communities in New York City and beyond
News resources/people to follow
- NextShark – Asian American News
- CeFaan Kim (@CeFaanKim) NYC-based ABC7NEWS reporter who is on top of breaking news related to Asian hate crimes
- William Lex Ham (@willlexham) actor/activist leading the charge on NYC/national Stop Asian Hate rallies
- Dion Lim (DionLimTV) San Francisco-based ABC7NEWS Anchor/Reporter who has covered anti-Asian hate crimes since the beginning of the pandemic (interview)
- Asian Am Feminist Collective (@aafc.nyc) NYC-based Asian American feminists in solidarity organizing, politicizing & talking back
- Ma-Yi Theater Company An award-winning professional theater in New York City, and the country’s leading incubator of new works by Asian American playwrights.
- Asians 4 Abolition (@asians4abolition) a coalition of organizers & activists in the NYC community grounded in abolition work & the fight for Black lives.
- Jenny Wang, PhD (@asiansformentalhealth) resources to shed light on issues impacting the mental health issues of AAPI communities, including an Asian Therapist Directory
- Red Canary Song (@redcanarysong) Organizing with migrant & Asian sex workers in NYC.
- Q-Wave (@qwavenyc) supports LBQ women, trans women, trans men and GNC & NB trans folx of API descent.