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Now Accepting Applications for 2 Year Conservatory – Learn more

Summer Intensive is Now Accepting Applications – Learn More

Workshops + Specialty Classes

Unique, immersive, a la carte training for actors of all levels in a vibrant community.


For those looking for an immersive experience, the TK Studio Workshop Series offers intensive weekend workshops that bring together our trusted faculty and guest artists. These workshops, held throughout the year, are designed to introduce fresh tools and innovative techniques to actors at any level. They’re open to current students, alumni, and those new to our Studio, providing a perfect opportunity to explore our artistic community and expand your skill set.

About TKS Intensives

Our Intensive programs are offered every Spring, Fall, and Summer, over the course of six to nine weeks. The Acting Intensive courses consist of the first 18 classes of the 128-class Meisner curriculum, and will form the basis of your mastery of the Meisner technique.

Specialty Classes

Our Specialty Classes provide actors of all experience levels with individual training sessions to explore new techniques or refine existing skills in a welcoming environment.

Travel Workshops

Terry will lead an intimate group of actors through a dynamic and on-your-feet four day workshop to make your scene work better.

TKS Workshop Series

Our Workshop Series offers intensive weekend sessions where actors of all backgrounds can discover fresh tools and techniques alongside our expert faculty and guest artists.

NextGen Summer Acting Intensive

We invite the best and brightest young theatre artists to experience one of the highest quality acting conservatories with Terry Knickerbocker Studio’s NextGen High School programming, located at our studio in Brooklyn, NYC. Find and cultivate your own unique voice and truth, and discover who you really are as a young actor and artist.