Darius H.


“….That, to me, is the mark of a truly great teacher. One who actually wants you to not need them anymore.”

Terry always knows which parts of you to encourage:
-when to push or when to back off.
-when to let you fall flat on your face and when to hold your hand.
-when to ground you in technique and when to coax your imagination into flight.

His depth of knowledge about acting, theatre, film and all the arts is apparently bottomless. His breadth of knowledge covers so many differing facets of life that it hurts my head.

Honestly, the man knows more about everything than anyone I’ve ever met, which impresses me mostly because it’s indicative of just how interested he is.

Most importantly: he knows when to leave you alone. That, to me, is the mark of a truly great teacher. One who actually wants you to not need them anymore.

– Darius H.