
Movement II

An illuminating and progressive physical workshop that develops and expands on the foundation of Williamson Technique offered in Level I.  The second Level curriculum begins by providing a framework around the actor’s physical sensuality.  The notion of sensuality is simply a continuation of the actor’s work with physical release in the imaginary world.  This training deepens the actors’ ‘unlearning’ of restrictive habits that block experience, breath, access to emotion and expansive behavior by encouraging greater comfort and a brave connection to the body’s senses and capacity for processing the world around them.  The training is challenging but allows each actor to access it on their terms.  Most importantly, it is delivered in a way that maintains respect for all bodies in the space and operates with clear protocols for any work around intimacy (physical, emotional, psychological).

The curriculum then organically incorporates the innovative work of physical transformation created by Nathan Flower (and further developed by Julia Crockett) often referred to as Creating Physical Character.  Actors build on their understanding of their own expansive, released embodiment and begin to engage a vocabulary that reveals a replicable, sustainable pathway for imaginative character transformation.

Teachers: Kana Sato, Mackian Bauman
Prerequisites: Movement I

See Two Year Professional Acting Conservatory