Joyous Improv

Joyous Improv: Improv for the Actor

with Christopher Jewels-Booth

October 28 – November 18, 2023
Saturdays 2:30pm-5:30pm

Current students should contact Christopher to enroll.


The art of improvisation is creating the illusion of narrative through moment-to-moment action using the engine of “yes, and.”

“It’s also a hell-of-a-lot-of-fun!”

Improv can help you if you are feeling stuck in your acting choices or fearful of taking chances. Improv is a great reminder that being radically present in a scene isn’t about getting out of your head, it’s about remembering that your head is part of your body so . . . get into your body.

Viola Spolin spoke of developing a strong “body-mind intuition.” This happens when your mind, your body, your voice, and your acting choices are all in sync with each other and you are following what you fear about a choice, until that choice transforms into another choice.

Joyous Improv will introduce you to Spolin’s set of “theater games,” and then help you to infuse this style of play into your work, giving you the skills needed to enter, maintain, and explore a “flow state” in your work.

This class is great for beginning and seasoned actors as well as those interested in improv!

The class is taught by Christopher Jewels-Booth an award winning actor, writer, and illustrator as well as the Director of Admissions and Enrollment at the Terry Knickerbocker Studio.His work has been seen Off-Broadway, on Comedy Central, Disney +, and heard on NPR. He has headlined the Denver Improv Festival, the Miami Improv Festival and the Montreal Comedy Festival and his solo shows “The System,” “The Bowhead Whale,” and “KaBOOM!” have been official selections at NYC Solocom. His illustrations have been seen in the pages of Atomic Comics, Big Guy Comics, and Legacy Comix.

Christopher was a playwright in residence for the A Collective Theater group, with whom he premiered his radio show War of the Worlds: Mosaic. When he’s not working, acting, or writing, Christopher is an avid illustrator and restorer and customizer of vintage toys. You can follow his illustration and customization work on instagram at @thechrisbooth.

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